Company Quality Policy

CPT is a premier supplier of quality products that exceeds Customer expectations while creating an environment where every employee is recognized as an important resource.

Our priority at CPT is on custom manufacturing and engineering within a formal Quality Assurance Management System ensuring we meet or exceed international standards and your expectations.

We believe our success is measured by the success of our customers. While we strive to exceed customer and regulatory requirements, the CPT Quality Management System is in place to ensure maximum compliance. In order to accomplish our objective, custom manufacturing and engineering Quality Manuals, Procedure guidelines, Instruction and metrics are used to monitor, evaluate and improve our performance.

In order to properly support our custom manufacturing and engineering quality assurance objectives, our Quality Management System ensures our team is accountable to fulfill our customers, shareholders, employees and our community expectations.

Test and Validation

Throughout the initial development, assisting with design verification, validation and production of honeycomb composite assemblies, our Development and Quality Assurance teams regularly analyze outputs to ensure achieved results are meeting the design criteria.

CPT’s validation resources includes a Satec Universal Tester capable of providing results for the following, but not limited to:

  • Lap shear tests (Performed to determine adhesive strength)
  • Climbing drum roll tests (Performed to determine bonding strength)
  • Cleavage peel tests (Performed to determine adhesive strength)

For more information on our products, please go to Information Request.